Abu Media

Production and facilities company. Established in December 2000. Abu Media main personnel consist of and credits include:
Pierce Boyce - MD
Features - Red Roses and Petrol, Conamara, FINKY
Drama - An Klondike Season 1 & 2, Teenage Cics, Fear an Phoist 1 & 2
Docs - The Brigade, Cluain Tarbh, The Irish Mob, 1916 Seachtar na Casca, 1916 Seachtar Dearmadta.
Childrens - Bog Stop Whiz sa Chistin
Lifestyle ; Garrai Glas,
Reality : Jockey Eile 1 & 2
Entertainment : Go Gasta 1 & 2
Brid Seoighe - Producer
Credits - RTE, TG4, S4C, ITV, BBC, American Networks.
Drama - An Klondike 1 & 2. Teenage Cics
Animation - Horrible Histories
Docs : Mobs Mhericea, Bothar go dti an White House, GUTH
Lifestyle - Garrai Glas, Go Gasta
Eileen Seoighe - Producer
Film - FINKY
Drama - An Klondike, Teenage Cics
Docs ; Mobs Mhericea, Bothar go dti Whitehouse, Billy Coleman
News Nationwide Opt Out, Nuacht RTE/TG4
Lifestyle - Eochar an GhrÍ
Shorts : Failte go hEireann
2015An Klondike / Dominion CreekDrama
2014Bog Stop Season 8Young Peoples
2013Jockey EileFormats
20131916 Seachtar DearmadtaHistory
2012Mobs Mhericea 1 & 2Documentary
2011Bothar go dtí an White HouseDocumentary
20111916 Seachtar Na CáscaHistory
2010Garraí GlasNature / Science
2005Teenage CicsDrama
2004Red Roses and PetrolFeature Film
2002Fear an PhoistComedy
Award & Nominations
2014IFTA "Special Irish Language Award"1916 Seachtar Dearmadta
2013IFTA - Best Reality ProgrammeJockey Eile
2013CMF Best FActual Series1916 Seachtar Na Cásca
2012IFTA - Special Irish Language Award1916 Seachtar Na Casca
2011CMF Best Factual SeriesMobs Mhericea