RTÉ Factual will hold a briefing session in RTÉ AR4 on Tuesday 5th September 2017 at 10am which will provide an opportunity for Producers to discuss their ideas, and get more detail on their plans and preferences. Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis.
RTÉ is particularly interested in high impact one-offs and series that can play either on RTÉ One or RTÉ2, with a focus of pieces that can transmit in 2018. Proposals that feature new front-of-camera authors, and pieces that promise to draw viewers under the age of 45 will be of particular interest.
RTÉ Factual has a strong tradition of authored documentaries. The right author can bring complex ideas and analysis to a receptive Irish audience. On-screen Factual talent should either be experts in a particular field or high-profile, intelligent personalities willing to be immersed and challenged on a particular subject that they are passionate about.
RTÉ is looking for new stories and new expertise; charismatic and knowledgeable personalities willing to journey through areas of Irish life, culture and contemporary experience thatRTÉ might not otherwise have had access to.
Observational documentaries
RTÉ is looking for compelling and innovative proposals for long-term observational and immersive documentary singles and series. They are particularly interested in hearing from companies who have already secured full access to institutions or organisations which are at the frontline of Irish life - anywhere where stories can be told that uncover or illustrate issues which are unfolding now in Ireland.RTÉ has a number of projects already in development/production for 2017/18.
Great stories - One offs and series
RTÉwants stories that take a significant and considered approach to state of the nation issues and delivers with the highest possible production values. They're are looking for cracking yarns with contemporary subjects and approaches, clearly-defined programmes with time and/or money clearly invested in them.
Documentaries that offer exceptional access to the most incredible situation, place, subject or story. Each story should be - indirectly or directly - a parable or statement about life in Ireland now most importantly, they should have a direct impact on the person: these are people stories, real-life situations which get at the big issues and which should impact on viewers in a visceral way. A good example of this was My Homeless Family -RTÉ wants stories that get to the heart of what people are experiencing in Ireland today.
In 2018 and 2019RTÉ will be seeking to broadcast documentaries which mark the 100th anniversary of the first meeting of Dáil Éireann, and also the start of the War of Independence (one project on the 1918 Election in production).
RTÉ's focus for History will be to find appropriate proposals to submit for BAI, for the upcoming 30thround of Sound & Vision Funding.
In parallel they will be seeking documentaries which cover the 50th anniversary of the start of the Troubles in Northern Ireland, and other contemporary historical pieces.
As always, the aim is to bring new audiences to history via strong stories, directors, new formats, fresh perspectives, and often passionate and informed on-screen authors. Is there an historical event or story that speaks beyond its time to Ireland today?
Budget range: €120,000 - €130,000 per hour (Maximum) for RTÉ ONE
Returnable Franchises for RTÉ2
Factual is seeking new proposals to build on and broaden the recent slate of successful documentary output onRTÉ2, ideally in the space of returnable franchises. The channel has recently carried a number of strong factual offerings, includingThe Guards,The Notorious Conor McGregorandPadraic Nally: After the Headlines.These programmes brought muscular storytelling skills to a range of intriguing characters, precincts, and themes. RTÉ is now looking for a series of new topics and stories, which can bring significant mainstream audiences toRTÉ2.
Propositions that offer escapist or stirring stories will be of interest, along with other factual ideas, which say something important or powerful about contemporary life. One-offs will be considered, but RTÉ is particularly interested in propositions that can go to series, based on access to fascinating locations and/or charismatic characters.
Tonally, these can range from lighter factual, and colourful contemporary impulses – for example in the spheres of Property, Money, Relationships and Health – to more sober or gritty aspects of modern life – for example in the area of law enforcement, or public controversies.
Tonally, the aim of these commissions is to either offer dramatic documentary series with great story-telling and which have humanity at their heart, or to provide our audience with lighter more escapist and fun stories and formats which provide insight into life in modern Ireland and compliment what they offer on RTÉ ONE post-watershed.
Budget range:€80,000- €90,000 per hour (Maximum) for RTÉ2
Submit your ideas into the eCommissioning system under the programme category "Factual Sunday 21:30" & "Factual Monday 21:30"
*Please note budget ranges are indicative only, and proposals that can achieve lower costs per hour will be particularly attractive'.