RTÉ invites submissions for TG4 programming 2016/2017 under the category Cláracha Gaeilge, Education and Science – TG4 Young People’s.
RTÉ welcomes proposals for a competition, challenge or quiz-based series for broadcast on TG4 where schools, clubs, friends or families compete in an entertaining, fun-filled manner that challenges the competitors and also the audiences at home. Among the previous strands to have played in these slots are ‘Cruinneas’ and ‘Bog Stop’.
Proposals will ideally include a strong presenter and/or on-screen talent[s], and all proposals
should be deliverable to TG4 in Autumn, 2016, for transmission in January, 2017.
No of Episodes: 66
Programme Duration 25 mins
Budget To a maximum of €335k.
All proposals should be entered onto the RTÉ eCommissioning system and the closing date
for receipt of submissions is Tuesday, March 1st at 5pm. (Strict Deadline)
We ask, in the first instance, that producers submit ideas into the eCommissioning system:here under the programme category "Cláracha Gaeilge, Education & Science – TG4 Autumn 2016"
RTÉ ag lorg aighneachtaí maidir le cláracha ar TG4 in 2016 faoin gcatagóir Cláracha Gaeilge, Oideachas agus Eolaíocht – Cláracha do Dhaoine Óga ar TG4