Tá TG4 ag lorg iarratas do chláracha a chraolfar i sceideal Fómhar 2016 – Earrach 2017. Iarrtar ar léiritheoirí agus ar sholáthraithe ábhair aird a thabhairt ar na trátha craolta ar leith sa sceideal atá i gceist sa mbabhta breise seo agus tograí a chur chun cinn a bheidh dírithe ar an am sin den oíche agus ar an lucht féachana ag an am sin. Ní bhreithneofar sa bhabhta breise seo ach smaointe a bheidh oiriúnach le craoladh le linn na n-amanna sin sa sceideal. Reachtáiltear babhta iomlán coimisiúnaithe eile i bhFómhar 2016.
Seo deis freisin tograí a chur ar aghaidh lena mbreithniú do thacaíocht faoi na chéad bhabhtaí eile de Scéim Físe agus Fuaime an Údaráis Chraolacháin agus an Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge sa Tuaisceart. Ná cuir ar aghaidh ach tionscadail atá incháilithe do na scéimeanna sin.
Mar is gnáth, ní mór d’ábhar atá á bheartú do TG4 a bheith in ábhar ar leith, é a bheith tarraingteach, cruthaitheach agus ar ardchaighdeán, ábhar ar féidir é a chur i láthair go nádúrtha i nGaeilge agus ar ‘súil eile’ é ag an lucht féachana, ábhar atá éagsúil ó ábhar atá ar fáil ó chraoltóirí eile.
Dé hAoine 12 Feabhra 2016 ag 12 meán lae an dáta deiridh a nglacfar le haighneachtaí ar bhabhta ILBF TG4. Déardaoin an 25ú Feabhra 2016 ag 12 meán lae an dáta deiridh a nglacfar le haighneachtaí ar bhabhta coimisiúnaithe breise TG4 agus is é freisin an spriocdháta go hinmheánach i gcás tionscadail BAI. Tuilleadh eolais anseo.
TG4 seeks submissions for programming to complete our slate of programming for the Autumn 2016 – Spring 2017 schedule. Producers and content providers are encouraged to take note of the specific slots we have available in this supplementary round and submit proposals with night, slot and audience target in mind. Only ideas suitable for these slots will be assessed in this TG4 supplementary round, another full commissioning round will be held in Autumn 2016.
This is also an opportunity to submit proposals to TG4 for consideration for support for the next ILBF & BAI Sound and Vision rounds. Please take note of the genres and types of programming we are willing to consider for these rounds and their own guidelines and only submit projects that are eligible for these funding supports.
As always for content being proposed for TG4, we are looking for unique, engaging, creative, high quality programming that can be delivered naturally in the Irish language and provides a ‘Súil Eile’ perspective to our audiences unlike that on offer from other broadcasters.
The deadline for TG4’s ILBF round is Friday, 12th February 2016 at 12 noon. The deadline for both TG4’s own supplementary commissioning round and our internal deadline for BAI projects is Thursday 25th of February 2016 at 12 noon.
All submissions should come through our e-commissioning system. For more information click here. Please be specific when selecting in the drop down menus as to the genre and slot you are pitching, as well as if the project is to be assessed for the ILBF/BAI Sound & Vision round. Additional materials attached such as treatments and scripts will only be assessed if we are interested in your main online proposal which should include: a short billings pitching the essence of the programme idea in 2/3 sentences and a programme outline including narrative, tone, approach and visual style.