RTÉ Format Farm 2016 is delighted to announce this year’s Call for Format Farm Ideas.
Format Farm is an established RTÉ business innovation initiative to support the production and broadcast of original TV formats for both Irish audiences and for export.
RTÉ Format Farm 2016:
Opens: 15th February 2016
Closing Date: 8th April 2015 (12 noon, strict deadline)
Successful Commissions will be announced on June 3rd 2016
As with previous years for this initiative a Short List will be provided to enable the Independent Producers to go and seek financing from other sources which may include International Distributors.
RTÉ Channel Controllers will make their final selection for 4 pilots from the Format idea’s that have received matched funds.
RTÉ Format Farm will provide 50% of the budget. Budget estimates are €25K from RTÉ Format Farm and €25K from the Independent Production Company (via International Distributor).
For exceptional ideas there may be potential to increase the budget. Any budget increase provided will required a commensurate increase in matched funding from the Independent Production company or participating International Distributor.
We ask, in the first instance, that producers submit ideas into the eCommissioning system: here under the programme category "Genre – RTÉ One Format Farm or RTÉ2 Format Farm "
Please ensure that you choose the appropriate channel, ie RTE One or RTE2 and the relevant Genre for your format. (Deadline 12 noon 8th April 2016)
Note: RTÉ reserves the right to move format ideas across the two channels and various genres should it deem it appropriate.
All ideas will be reviewed by the relevant Genre Head and Head of Formats for consideration and they will make recommendations to the Channel Controllers. The Channel Controllers will seek input from RTÉ Global for a view on the international potential of the recommended ideas.
Format Farm will not be reviewing further format farm ideas after this specific callout closing date until the shortlist for this current round is complete in June.
In the past Format Farm ideas have been funded and developed in partnership with some of the biggest names in international distribution, and the work so far has received a very positive response from the international TV market.
Recent Format Farm successes with international options include: The Take Over, The Hit and Whose Holiday is it Anyway