BAI Applications Extended for the Canada-Ireland Co-development Incentive
Mon 10th October 2016

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has announced that the deadline for applications to the Canada-Ireland Co-development incentive have been extended to midday,23rdNovember 2016.
Guidelines for the Canada-Ireland Co-development Incentive for Audiovisual Projects between the Canada Media Fund (CMF) and the BAI are available on the BAI website.
Clickhereto access the guidelines.
To be considered for funding through the Incentive, projects must comply with both parties’ general funding criteria, with the CMF determining eligibility for the Canadian portion of a project and BAI determining eligibility for the Irish portion of the project.Projects will be evaluated and chosen by a committee comprised of representatives from each of the BAI and CMF through a selection process.
The total maximum contribution for each project funded through the Incentive will be €40,000.Producers interested in finding an international partner as part of this Co-development Incentive are invited to post a profile of their company on theCMF’s website. Profiles will be accessible to all, including potential partners from other countries.