BAI announces €5.5m open funding round under Sound & Vision Scheme
Tue 26th January 2021

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (27.01.21), announced the launch of a new open funding round under its Sound & Vision 4 Scheme. Funding of up to €5.5m is being made available in round 38 of the scheme.
In addition, the BAI has funding of €1.4m available specifically for high-quality programmes relating to Irish culture, heritage and experience that may also help to address challenges being faced by the live music sector. The BAI is encouraging submissions from projects across all formats, genres and eligible broadcasters that can demonstrate they will assist in providing a platform for music industry professionals who would have predominately worked in the live music sector. This ringfenced funding is in response to a request by the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin TD, whose Department provided the BAI with additional funding for this purpose.
Commenting on the open funding round, chief executive of the BAI, Michael O’Keeffe said: “The COVID-19 crisis continues to pose many difficulties for the broadcasting, audio and audiovisual sectors. The additional €4.9m in financial supports secured by Minister Martin for the broadcasting sector before Christmas will help to provide much needed finance for the development of innovative content for the Irish public over a number of Sound & Vision funding rounds this year. In addition to this open round, where we have funding of €5.5m available, we will be announcing details of a focused round for commercial radio shortly and one for community radio in the middle of the year.
“COVID-19 has had a particularly devastating impact on the live music sector. We hope that the additional €1.4m funding available for this type of programming will provide an opportunity for music industry professionals to connect with audiences through TV and radio.”
Guidelines and the application form for round 38 of the Sound & Vision 4 Scheme are now available here.
The closing date for applications is noon on Thursday, 4th March 2021.