The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has today (31.07.18) issued a call for applications under the first round of its Archiving Scheme 2, which aims to contribute to the safeguarding of Irish heritage by encouraging the development of an archiving culture in the Irish broadcasting sector.
Launched in June 2018, the second iteration of the BAI’s Archiving Scheme will operate until the end of 2022. Its main objectives include the development of an integrated approach to the archiving of programme material; the development of suitable storage processes and formats to encourage and assist in the restoration and/or storage of recorded material; and to provide for fast and accurate access to programme material by interested parties.
The focus for this round of Archiving Scheme 2 concerns the archiving of programme material with the specific objective of the preservation of a historic record of Irish culture, heritage and experience and in particular, that which safeguards historic material that is threatened by fragile physical condition or soon to be obsolete formats.
The Scheme is funded through a percentage of the Broadcasting Fund. The funding amount available to support applications in this round is up to €2.8m.
Applications are open to a range of individuals and institutions including broadcasters (public, commercial and community); advertisers; persons/institutions in possession of relevant material; persons/institutions capable of carrying out work on archiving material considered to be of value to the State; and persons/institutions capable of furthering Archiving Scheme 2’s objectives. The Scheme is open to eligible applicants making individual submissions and also to parties who wish to work in partnership.
To assist with the application process, the BAI has developed guidelines for applicants that, together with an application form, are available to download here.
The closing date for receipt of applications is 12 noon on Thursday 4th October 2018. Any queries relating to the Scheme should be directed to archiving@bai.ie