BAI/TG4/Screen Ireland/WRAP Fund seek new Young Peoples’ Drama Series
Mon 8th July 2019

TG4, the BAI, Screen Ireland and the WRAP Fund are on the lookout for a brand new Young Peoples’ Drama Series and they are calling on independent production companies to apply to develop and produce such a series for them. TG4 want a compelling drama which would appeal to younger viewers, in the way that ‘Aifric’, ‘The Middle’ & ‘Malcolm in the Middle’ have done previously.
A scheme has been set up by TG4 in collaboration with the BAI, Screen Ireland and the WRAP Fund, to develop a drama series of between six and eight half-hour episodes, in Irish, for Young People. The target audience is from eight years and upwards and it will also have family appeal.
A budget of up to €1.2 million will be made available to the project, which will be produced for and broadcast on TG4. The cast will consist predominantly of young people, complemented by older, engaging characters, to appeal to a broad family demographic.
A panel of adjudicators from TG4, the Wrap Fund, BAI & Screen Ireland will first choose three projects for development. The successful companies will be given funding to develop their ideas and a budget of up to €25,000 will be made available to each project for this. At the end of the development phase, one project will be chosen and an application for financial support will be made for that to the next appropriate round of the BAI Sound & Vision funding strand.
The deadline for applications isFriday, 16th August, 2019,at3pm. Decisions will be announced by September 2nd.
Further detailson this scheme can be found here