1. 'Media as a catalyst for climate action' | Tuesday, 5 September, from 1 to 2 pm. Register here.
This online session features Manuel Salazar, a representative of Extinction Rebellion, the prominent climate action group at the forefront of global efforts against climate change. Manuel will share his insights on the climate crisis, emphasising the pressing demand for swift responses from both governmental bodies, businesses and the media. He will explore strategies for effectively conveying this sense of urgency to audiences. The discussion will encompass a range of topics, such as the significance of specialised climate journalism, countering mis/disinformation, advertising and sponsorship challenges, and how broadcasters can support the work of local activists.
2. 'Carbon Footprinting: Simple Steps for Small Organisations' | Tuesday, 19 September, from 1 to 2 pm. Register here.
The second of our online lunch and learn series features Raoul Empey from Sustineo, a sustainability consultancy that helps businesses take practical and meaningful action on sustainability, including measuring and reducing their carbon footprint. This session will provide an overview of the fundamental principles of carbon footprinting, including an explanation of Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. There will be examples of organisation’s that have calculated their carbon emissions and insights into measurement techniques and goal-setting.
3. 'Sustainable Energy Communities - local communities taking positive action on climate change' | Tuesday, 3 October, from 1 to 2 pm. Register here.
This online session features Ruth Buggie from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), Ireland's national energy authority. Ruth will delve into the role that Sustainable Energy Communities (SECs) can play in creating a sustainable, low-carbon future for Ireland. Be inspired by stories from over 750 communities around Ireland who are working together to achieve their energy goals.
4. 'Employee well-being and the KeepWell Mark' | Tuesday, 17 October, from 1 to 2 pm. Register here.
In the fourth of our lunch & learn sessions, Sophie Moran from Ibec will speak about the importance of mental and physical health and wellness in the workplace. Learn about the KeepWell Mark, an Ibec initiative which provides practical guidance on promoting employee well-being and creating a supportive work environment. Sophie will also share examples of best practice that she has seen from her work with both large and small organisations in Ireland.
5. 'Biodiversity Literacy for Irish broadcasters' | Tuesday, 31 October, from 1 to 2 pm. Register here.
In this online session, Lucy Gaffney from Business for Biodiversity Ireland, will share her insights on the importance of nature and biodiversity conservation in fostering a sustainable future. Much like the climate crisis, the biodiversity crisis is an important topic to understand, but it comes with its own science and alphabet soup of policy acronyms. This session will provide an overview of the science, policy, the various measures used to restore and preserve nature, and the role of broadcasting organisations to make a positive difference.
6. 'Advancing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the broadcasting sector' | Tuesday 14 November, from 1 to 2 pm. Register here.
Explore the significance of equality, diversity, and inclusion within the broadcasting industry. Learn about Learning Waves and the independent radio sector’s progress on this topic, gain a deeper understanding of the benefits of fostering an inclusive work environment and learn strategies to promote equality and diversity and inclusion within your organisation.