The National Talent Academies alongside Raising Films Ireland, Screen Guilds of Ireland, and Screen Producers Ireland are delighted to be partnering on the next phase of our Job Sharing programme for the Screen Sector. This phase culminates in a supported workplace job share scheme for 6 x job sharers.
This lunch & learn info session is designed for employers in the screen sector who are interested to know more about facilitating job sharing on their productions. They will also hear from Raising Films Ireland on the opportunity to support Job Sharers on productions through the scheme.
Job-Sharing is a flexible way of working that allows employees a better work/life balance whilst also ensuring the sustainability of the industry; retaining talent and experience that might be otherwise lost.
Date of delivery 2025: Tuesday 8th April 2025
Duration: 12:00pm – 1:30pm (1 hour 30 mins).
Cost: Free
Venue: Online
Facilitator(s): Reeltime Media and Raising Films Ireland
What the session will cover:
Who are Raising Films Ireland? Raising Films Ireland (RFI) is a non for profit organisation that seeks to shift the culture within the Irish creative screen industries by creating a more diverse, inclusive and sustainable working environment for carers & parents
Who are ReelTime Media? Evolution of the company including Share My Telly Job, the ScreenSkills HETV Job-sharing programme, our research and our focus on Good Work.
Current state of workplace culture within the TV and Film industry and how this relates to flexible working and job-sharing.
What is job-sharing? How does it work? Benefits for job-sharers and the productions they work for.
Who is job-sharing for? How job-sharing can support people at all stages of their career and for many different reasons.
Solutions. Flexible work as part of a raft of simple and practical ways to make things better.
How to structure a job-share - using case studies to show how pairs have structured their job-share according to their own commitments, the specificities of the role and the needs of the production.
Top Tips for hiring job-sharers.
Job-share Myth busting - we address some common concerns.
Contracts and Flexible Working Policies - managing expectations and protecting the production and the job-sharers.
Job-share success! How to manage and support job-sharers resulting in better motivated employees and a higher level of performance.
Case Studies
Flexible Work Programme - The Flexible Working Programme is an evolution of Raising Films Ireland’s Return to Work Programme and Job Share Programme in partnership with NTA. It will educate, formalise, implement and facilitate Job-Share couples into the workplace, bridging budgetary gaps to enshrine the value and feasibility of flexible working. This enables a production to safely implement new practices and validate benefits without risk. This programme will rigorously make cultural change in the sector.
Participant Profile:
This information session is aimed at employers in the screen industry who are looking for information on how job sharing can work on productions and offer crew a better work-life balance.
*Please note this is session is for employers (Prod Companies, Producers, LPs, PMs).
Registration Procedure:
Please register online by 12pm on Friday 4th April 2025.
For technical difficulties with the online system please email brian.murphy@nationaltalentacademies.ie
For queries on the session and scheme please contact raisingfilmsireland@gmail.com
Film & TV Crew Academies courses are open to all regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or disability.
Film & TV Crew Academy East is managed by Clermont Screen Hub.
Film & TV Crew Academy West is managed by Atlantic Academy.
Raising Films Ireland is supported by Screen Ireland through the Screen Stakeholder fund.
For further information please click here.