Fís Éireann/Screen Ireland Funding News: Funding Thresholds Increased for Irish Production
Thu 18th April 2024

Fís Éireann/Screen Ireland is delighted to announce increases to the budget and award thresholds for the agency's Fiction: Irish Production fund. The agency is working to strengthen and complement support for Irish filmmaking and storytelling on screen, in response to global trends and changes across the Irish production landscape.
The updated Production Funding Guidelines 2024 have now been published on the Screen Ireland website and relevant funding pages.
The new thresholds are as follows:
For projects with budgets of up to €3 million, Screen Ireland can provide up to 70% of the budget with a maximum of €950,000.
For projects with budgets of over €3 million and not more than €7 million, Screen Ireland can provide up to 65% of the budget, between €1,000,000 and €1,200,000.
For projects with budgets of over €7 million and not more than €20 million, Screen Ireland can provide up to 65% of the budget, with a maximum of €1,300,000.
Full details and guidelines can be read in the Production Funding Guidelines 2024 / Treoirlínte Cistithe Léirithe 2024.
Due to these changes, the April deadline for Production Funding and Distribution Funding has been extended to Tuesday, 30th April at 1pm.
Please note: This month’s Development Funding deadline date will remain the same.
Screen Ireland’s remit and responsibility is to ensure the continued creative success of Irish film and television production, and these changes are part of ongoing improvements and adjustments to Screen Ireland's funding procedures.
For any questions regarding this Production Funding deadline extension, please contact production@screenireland.ie.
For technical queries regarding the Screen Ireland Applications Portal, please contact technicalsupport@screenireland.ie.