Adopting practices that promote sustainability has become a new standard on most productions, and an increasing number of Irish crew, funders, and producers are looking to make their productions less taxing on the environment.
ScreenGreening invites you to join an hour-long session to discover the latest updates on sustainability on Irish productions, and to learn first-hand from key crew on their sustainability journeys.
During this session you will hear from:
Irish funders and broadcasters on their strategies for sustainable productions
Representatives from the ScreenGreening coalition who will focus on the latest environmental sustainability requirements when it comes to making an application to Screen Ireland, the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland or for the Section 481 tax credit
The broadcasters will also outline the sort of standards that they now require
Date: Friday, 8th July 2022
Time: 2.30pm-3.30pm
Venue: Galmont Hotel & Spa, Galway, Ballroom 3
Chaired by: John Gormley, Chairperson, ScreenGreening
Introduction: Catherine Martin TD, Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media
Organisation panel:
Laura Ni Cheallaigh, TG4
Sinéad Stimpfig, VMT
Eileen Duggan, RTÉ
Declan McLoughlin, BAI
Anthony Muldoon, SPI
Louise Ryan, Screen Ireland
Practitioner Panel
Stan Nangle, Climate Innovation Limited
Kelly Campbell Producer / Director
Louise Nic Risteard Sustainability Manager
This will be followed by an in-depth panel of Irish crew sustainability experts who will discuss what is working on productions and where the focus needs to be to make sustainability on sets easier.
To register please click here.