The Irish Film Board held a briefing on the new tax credit for film, television and animation production in Ireland it took place on Tuesday 25 November.
The event, presented by the Revenue Commissioners, was held at the Conrad Hotel on Earlsfort Terrace in Dublin 2.
The Irish Film Board, have made the presentations from the event available which you can find below.
The first presentation was made by Brian Boyle, Incentives & Financial Services Branch of the Revenue Commissioners.This presentation was an industry briefing on the S481 film relief providing an overview of the new scheme including the move from income to corporation tax.
Revenue Power Point: S 481Film relief Briefing
Alfie Brown, Incentives & Financial Services Branch of the Revenue Commissioners followed with a briefing on the application process for S481, the tax credit for film productions.
Revenue Power Point: how to apply for S481 film relief
Ken Flemming from the FWT Unit in Revenue Commissioners finished up with his presentation on Withholding Tax, detailing the regulations and legislation Film Withholding Tax (FWT) introduced by section 25 Finance (No. 2) Bill 2013.
Revenue Power Point: Film Withholding Tax
For more information on the new incentive and for any queries, please contact s.481relief@revenue.ie