Irish Film and Television Industry set to calculate their carbon emissions
Tue 8th October 2019

The Irishcreative screen industriesis to launch its new industry specific carbon calculator on Wednesday, October 9th.
The BAFTA Albert Carbon Calculator, already used by industry in UK, allows producers to understand a productions' environmental impact. By providing some basic information about studio, work, travel, accommodation, locations, materials use and disposal, and post-production; the calculator reveals the extent of the carbon emissions on any given production.
Knowing this information will then allow the producers to offset these emissions by implementing sustainable film making practices throughout their production. These could include eliminating single use plastic, using water foundations, smart waste management solutions and reducing travel between locations.
The BAFTA Albert Carbon Calculator has been modified for use in Ireland thanks to the work of the Screen Greening Coalition. This coalition includes the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI), RTÉ, Screen Ireland, Screen Producers Ireland, TG4 and Virgin Media Television. In early 2018, these stakeholders agreed to fund and introduce the BAFTA Albert Carbon Calculator to Film and TV production in Ireland.
The creative screen industries specific carbon calculator will be launched at a panel onsustainablefilm making at a Responsible Production one day event on Wednesday 9th October in the Alex Hotel in Dublin. Pat Brereton will launch the carbon calculator on behalf of the Screen Greening Coalition.
Roser Canela-Mas, Industry Sustainability Manager, from BAFTA's Albert project will be speaking on the panel on how to use the carbon calculator to ensure that producers get the most accurate results and can take steps to offset, and more importantly, reduce their emissions. Other speakers on the panel include:EmellieO’Brien (Earth Angel), BirgitHeidsiek(Green Film Shooting Founder), Geraldine Moloney (Film Distributors’ Association), Eleonora McNamara (Freelance Visual Artist), John Gormley (Screen Producers Ireland), and Panel Chair: Steven Davenport (Screen Ireland). The panel is taking place at 2pm.
Given the effects of climate change, the need to introduce more environmentally sustainable film making practices in our industry is clear. The recent reforms of the Film and Tax Credit Section 481 now also include a requirement, recently introduced by the Department of Culture and Screen Ireland, for all qualifying productions to have sustainable film making initiatives on set.