TG4 Director General, Alan Esslemont, has welcomed the almost one million euro of extra funding for the station, which was announced by Minister of State, Seán Kyne TD today. The Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment have allocated an extra €985,000 for TG4 for 2018 which will be put towards a number of initiatives relating to Bliain na Gaeilge and other specific projects. The announcement was made at the launch of TG4’s Corporate Strategy in Galway today.
According to the new strategy, national Irish language broadcaster TG4 is planning to help support 160 new jobs, promote growth and build audiences.
Speaking at the event, TG4 Director General, Alan Esslemont said: “We are delighted with this announcement of extra funding from the Government which we believe is recognition of the good work being done by TG4.
“TG4 is a force for Irish language audio-visual innovation. Over 75% of Irish people believe TG4 has a positive influence on the language. We have 500,000 daily viewers, a 92% weekly reach with Irish language audiences and 48% with national audiences , making us the 7th most watched channel in Ireland.
“TG4 sustains hundreds of jobs in the Irish independent production sector and demonstrates real commitment to nurturing Irish creativity & talent. “We create jobs in regional areas and contribute positively to the Irish economy. In the decade to 2017 TG4 spent over €200m with the sector. In 2016 we contributed €62m to the national earnings supporting over 750 jobs. Every €1 invested by TG4 in the creative industries in Ireland is worth €2 to Ireland’s economy.
“TG4 is now at a cross-roads, facing enormous challenges. As an indigenous language broadcaster in an English-speaking media market, we face competition from national and global media & technology players with major content budgets. “This strategy will deliver a step change in TG4’s performance. We intend to increase audience share by 2022 and move to 6th most watched channel in Ireland.
“Our strategy will address critical public policy objectives and deliver real benefits for the Irish economy, particularly in the regions - supporting over 930 jobs by 2022, thus contributing over €77m to national earnings annually. Overall, TG4’s strategy will engage more people with the Irish language, helping to stabilise and grow Irish language communities across Ireland.
“Our funding requirements are small relative to our target impact, as we seek restoration of pre-recessionary funding levels. This means an average increase in current funding of 5% per annum over the next five years and a modest increase in capital funding.
“TG4 will deliver on these commitments for 2018-2022 in partnership with other key stakeholders, through our twin pole audience strategy, delivered via our publisher/broadcaster model”.