Specialist Factual is now seeking ideas for consideration ahead of the upcoming BAI Sound and Vision round in November.
Of particular interest at this time are fresh approaches to history content and to projects in the natural history and wildlife space. RTÉ is also seeking proposals in the areas of science and education.
For detailed information please click here
For Round 32 of the BAI Sound and Vision fund RTÉ is looking in particular for ideas that:
- Look outwards and reflect and comment on contemporary life in Ireland and beyond.
- Display a fresh approach and reimagining of on air talent in arts and culture content.
- Demonstrate shows and series that have the potential to form an ongoing relationship with audiences and return each season.
- Make optimum use of resources to provide a range of offerings that will appeal to new, emerging and existing audiences.
- Offer innovative approaches to RTE schedules such as strip event programming across a realized concept.
- Suggest imaginative coverage of big national arts and culture events such as festivals, cultural events and socio-political commemorations.
As an integrated cross platform content producing group RTE Arts and Culture welcomes submission ideas that may have strong television and radio aspects.
For detailed information please click here
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Closing date for submissions to be considered for RTÉ support in BAI Round 32 is Friday 21st September, 2018 at 12.00 noon (strict deadline).
All submissions must include a full production budget and finance plan.
Only proposals submitted through RTÉ’s eCommissioning system will be considered.
Submit ideas into the eCommissioning system under the programme category “Genre- BAI Round 32”