Please see below call for ideas which went up on RTÉ's website yesterday | Thursday 1st October 2015
Budget: Up to a max of € 140,000
Transmission: RTÉ One 20.00 St Stephen’s Night 2015
Duration: 1 x 1 hour special
Deadline: Friday 16th October 2015
ENTERTAINMENT – seeks proposal for a one hour entertainment special over the Christmas period.
RTÉ are looking for an exciting family friendly event piece that will light up St Stephen’s Night.
Proposals should be for pre-recorded productions but we are open to a range of suggestions that you feel would achieve our ambition for the programme. St. Stephen’s night is one of the great nights for entertainment and we are looking for exciting ideas that will attract a huge family audience.
RTÉ really want this show to be the must see television moment of the evening. A show to enjoy with family and friends as you devour the last of the Christmas fare. Proposals should identify key talent and suggest possible guests.
Deadline for submissions is Friday 16th October 2015 at 12noon
RTÉ ask, in the first instance, that producers submit ideas into the eCommissioning system:
under the programme category “St. Stephens Night RTÉ One"