- 1 or 2*50 minute documentaries
- Cost per hour: €100,000 – €120,000
- Deadline for submission: Friday May 15th at 12 noon (Strict Deadline)
Few things are certain about the post-Covid world, including when it will actually begin. One thing we do know is that post Summer 2020 our audience will be dipping its toe intoa new normal. The health crisis may or may not have abated by then but seismic changes to the way we live, work and play will be inevitable. What will the new values that underpin our society be? How will our health and education systems develop?How much money can we hope to earn and what will we now be spending it on? How many of us will remain unemployed and what kind of social cushion will there be for those who can no longer find a place in the workforce? And what about the next generation, how and where will our children live and work and will they or should they own a house of their own?
We won’t know the long term effects of this pandemic but Autumn seems like a good time to take stock and offer our audience some informed speculation about the future we might expect.
Documentaries and Seriesare looking to commission a single or two-part documentary/authored documentary that will grapple with the socio- political, economic, ethical and scientific issues that we are facing as a society. Documentaries like Future Shock (2007), Aftershock (2010) and That Was Then, This is Now (2006) tackled similar territory reflecting a pivotal moment in our society from a variety of perspectives.
Submissions should include:
- A clear outline of the content and approach. Programmes can be author driven or give a platform to a variety of voices possibly through TV essays.
- Production team. Visual treatment and intellectual engagement are both key. A suitable producer and director team will be essential to winning this commission.
- Realisability. Your company must have the capacity to safely produce the programme/programmes in a potentially restricted environment and deliver on budget by Sept 1st.
- A cast of brilliant commentators/authors/experts who are qualified to map our future. An awareness of our need to balance opinion will be important here.
The production company's capacity to produce and deliver the programme/s within the current restricted production environment will be a factor in making the decision to commission as will its capacity to deliver on cost effective production methods.
Note- The programmes may form part of a bigger season comprising in-house andcommissioned programmes in Autumn 2020.
Please submit your ideas into thee-Commissioning systemunder the programme category"Factual Documentaries & Series- Autumn 2020"