RTÉ Format Farm 2016 is looking for format submissions
Format Farm is an established RTÉ business innovation initiative to support the production and broadcast of original TV formats for both Irish audiences and for export.
RTÉ Format Farm
Opens: 18th July2016
Closing Date: 9thSeptember2016(12 noon, strict deadline)
Successful Commissions will be announced on 31stOctober2016
As with previous years for this initiative a Short List will be provided to enable the Independent Producers to go and seek financing from other sources which may include International Distributors.
RTÉ Channel Controllers will make their final selection for 4 pilots from the Format idea’s that have received matched funds.
RTÉ Format Farm will provide 50% of the budget. Budget estimates are €25K from RTÉ Format Farm and €25K from the Independent Production Company (via International Distributor).
Forexceptional ideas there maybe potential toincreasethe budget. Any budget increase provided will required a commensurate increase in matched funding from the Independent Production company or participating International Distributor.
For further information please click here