RTÉ One | Entertainment Autumn 2021 | Saturday Pre-Watershed Callout
Mon 14th December 2020

RTÉ isinviting proposals for hour long entertainment shows for Saturday evenings on RTÉOne in Autumn 2021. This is an opportunity to try new ideas and ways of producing them. Proposals should be family friendly to suit this pre-watershed slot. Submitted ideas should have broad appeal and feel warm and engaging. Proposed talent should be able to make a strong impact with this audience.
RTÉ isnotlooking for quiz shows in response to this callout.
Proposals will be judged on whether they can have a real impact in this slot. This is competitive territory and the successful show will be expected to make its mark at this time. Shows can be live or pre-recorded or a blend of both. A list of suggested talent and a draft production budget should be included with each submission. Submissions should include your plan on how to make your production safe in the current Covid 19 pandemic. (Do not assume eased restrictions as inevitable)
- Duration: 60 minutes slot per programme
- Number of Episodes: An initial series of 8 episodes
- Budget Range: To a maximum of €120,000 per programme (inclusive of Format Fees, if applicable) (In exceptional circumstances budgets with a higher cost per hour may be considered. In such circumstances, Producers should supply details as to the background to the increased cost) NB Programme proposals should include a detailed production budget, and any additional material, and should be submitted to Michelle Kenny by email at michelle.kenny@rte.ie before the closing date and time.
- Closing Date: The closing date for receipt of submissions is 5 th February, 2021 at 12.00 noon (Strict Deadline). In the first instance please submit your ideas into the eCommissioning system under the programme category “Entertainment and Music RTÉ One” ”Saturday Night”