RTÉjr | Expressions of Interest | "HerStory" Animated Shorts
Thu 5th September 2019

RTÉ is delighted to partner with HerStory Ireland and Epic Museum Dublin to bring the stories of some of Ireland’s greatest forgotten heroines to Irish screens in early 2020. Beginning on St Brigid’s Day 2020, RTÉ will celebrate the achievements of some of our nation’s great female trailblazers, many of whom have been overlooked by history, or whose stories are only now emerging.
The season will centre around a 6-part landmark series on RTÉ One Television which tells the stories of six Irish women who blazed pioneering trails in the arts, in science, aviation and more: mathematician Kay McNulty from Donegal, doctor James Barry from Cork, choreographer Ninette de Vallois/Edris Stannus from Co. Wicklow, activist and union leader Mother Jones/Mary Harris from Cork, pilot Lady Mary Heath from Limerick and Oonah Keogh, the world's first female stockbroker.
To complement the series, RTÉjr now invites animation companies to express their interest in producing one or more of these six specially-commissioned 2-minute animations, celebrating six remarkable Irish women, nominated by children across Ireland. These animations will be broadcast on February 1st 2020.
This September RTÉ will invite children and young people from 7 – 17 to nominate, in 500 words or less, the Irish women they deem remarkable and whom they think should be the subject of these 6 RTÉ animations. There is no limit to the women who can be nominated: it can be someone well-known, a mythological legend or a pioneering woman you admire from history; it could be a woman in the local community who achieved something remarkable, either for her own community or nationally. It could be an amazing woman in your family who did something no one had ever done before. Children will be able to upload their nominations on the “HerStory” website on RTÉ Culture.
From all these suggestions, a panel of readers will select 6 stories in early October to become the subject of 6 original animations specially commissioned for RTÉjr.
RTÉjr are now seeking ‘Expressions of Interest' from animation companies who wish to be considered to produce one or more of these animations.
- Number: 6
- Duration: 2 minutes
- Budget: €20,000 per 2-min animation
To be considered, interested animation companies should provide the following:
- A copy of, or link (by email) to their company portfolio, and any other information that you wish to offer in support of your application.
- Please demonstrate in this application your capacity to deliver one or more animations before the TX date of February 1st 2020.
Any queries in relation to the above should be directed to Eimear O’Mahony omahone@rte.ie
Closing date for receipt of expressions of interest confirming your wish to be considered by RTÉjr is Friday, 27th September at 12.00 noon. (Strict Deadline)
By Mail
Michelle Kenny
‘HerStory Animated Shorts – Expressions of Interest’
Independent Productions, Stage 7
Dublin 4
Or email - michelle.kenny@rte.ie
Please note that RTÉ’s decision to include production companies will be final.