RTÉ is now seeking proposals for the following rounds of BAI Sound & Vision 4: Round 44 - Climate Change & Climate Action and Round 45 – Irish Music Sector.
Round 44
Closing date for submissions to be considered for RTÉ support in BAI S&V 4 - Round 44 is Friday 24th June, 2022 at 12.00 noon (strict deadline).
All submissions must include a full production budget and finance plan.
Please note only proposals submitted through RTÉ’s eCommissioning system will be considered. Please submit your ideas into the eCommissioning system under the programme category “Genre - BAI Round 44”, before the above closing date and time.
Round 45
Closing date for submissions to be considered for RTÉ support in BAI S&V 4 - Round 45 is Friday 10th June, 2022 at 12.00 noon (strict deadline).
All submissions must include a full production budget and finance plan.
Please note only proposals submitted through RTÉ’s eCommissioning system will be considered. Please submit your ideas into the eCommissioning system under the programme category “Genre - BAI Round 45”, before the above closing date and time.