RTÉ Cork invites expressions of interest from suitably qualified companies to produce a 3 x 60-minute television series “The Coastal Atlas of Ireland’ (w/t), to accompany the recently published book of the same name.
The ‘Coastal Atlas of Ireland’ (Cork University Press) is a celebration of Ireland’s coastal and marine spaces. Drawing on written contributions from over 100 authors from across the island of Ireland and beyond, the ‘Atlas’ takes an explicitly all-island approach, though the work has a much wider relevance and potential reader interest.
The Series Goals
This new television series, based on the book, will extensively draw from the new and original research published in this important publication.
This new series (3 x 60) will be transmitted in 2024.
The series will feature, and use the expert contributors featured in the book, and with the agreement of RTÉ from other sources, to enhance the television series.
Based on the material created for the book and echoing its ambition, it is expected that this new series will be equally original and ambitious and deliver a comprehensive understanding of the Irish Coast and its history.
It will also present opportunities to engage further in the online space to create additional material based on the series.
To be considered for inclusion on a shortlist to tender, interested production companies must demonstrate a proven record of accomplishment in each of the following:
Does the company have a track record in the delivery of high-quality, blue-chip, landmark documentary series of this kind – either into the RTÉ peak-time schedule, or equivalent on other broadcasters with a nationwide audience - including a record of accomplishment in Natural History production?
Is the company experienced in the efficient management of large documentary production teams and significant production resources and facilities to deliver quality programmes on time and on budget?
Has the company proven ability to work with third level institutions, academics, and multiple stakeholders including archival source owners, government departments and specialist contributors?
Has the company experience in, and ability to identify additional sources of revenue for the project, through national and international partners and other sources of funding?
Please forward:
Company biography with relevant experience of key personnel, in particular in the production of Natural History programming, and any other information that you wish to offer in support of your application.
A current tax-clearance certificate
Please do not submit programme ideas.
Closing date for receipt of expressions of interest confirming your wish to be considered by RTÉ Factual for inclusion on the shortlist to tender is Wednesday, 25th May, 2022 at 12.00 noon. Interested companies must include a briefing note stating how they meet the criteria listed above to be sent by email to Michelle Kenny – michelle.kenny@rte.ie
Please note that RTÉ has final decision on what production companies to include in this tender.