RTÉ Factual invites expressions of interest from suitably qualified companies for the provision of production services to RTÉ in respect of the production of the monthly Report / Production Information series on crime detection and prevention, Crimecall.
RTÉ Factual wishes to proceed over the coming weeks with a tender to engage an independent production company to undertake the production and delivery of this series to RTÉ from September, 2022.
To be considered for inclusion on a shortlist to tender, interested production
companies must demonstrate a proven track record in each of the following:
Production of live studio programmes
Production of factual television programming
Management of large production teams and significant production resource facilities
Management of large production budgets
Please forward:
Company biography with relevant experience of key personnel, in particular in the production of live studio programming, and any other information that you wish to offer in support of your application
A current tax-clearance certificate
Please do not submit programme ideas.
Closing date for receipt of expressions of interest confirming your wish to be considered by RTÉ Factual for inclusion on the shortlist to tender is Friday, 08th April, 2022 at12.00 noon. Interested companies must include a briefing note stating how they meet the criteria listed above to be sent by email for the attention of Michelle Kenny – michelle.kenny@rte.ie.
Please note that RTÉ has final decision on what production companies to include in this tender.