Please see call for Ideas from RTE Young People's which went up on their website yesterday afternoon.
RTE YPP, Inserts Strand, Continuing Drama Shorts
RTÉ Young Peoples wishes to commission an insert strand for inclusion in the TRTÉ flagship daily entertainment series for 7-11 year olds.
No. of Episodes: 10
Duration: 4'00"
Transmission: Autumn 2014
Budget: €40,000
What are we looking for?
For the last five years elev8 has provided a successful flagship show in the TRTÉ block for 7-11s on RTÉ Two. Elev8 is a live daily 20’ entertainment magazine show, studio based with substantial vt input - some of which is produced by the in-house programme team and three to four strands annually which are commissioned from the independent sector.
Successful commissioned strands include The School Run (Gameshow shorts which take place in a suped up hummer en route home from school); elev8 Superstars (Decathlon competition featuring six 10-12 year olds and exciting physical sport challenges); Show Off or Get Off (regional talent competition featuring performers at 12 regional locations); Tim’s Tactical Tips (tips and tricks to survive the small and not so small problems life throws in the face of youngsters). Successful commissions have featured the regions, offered humour, provided a stylish anchor item on one of the themed daily shows.
Previous daily entertainment series for this age-group have included low-budget short continuing drama series eg. Who Is Jamie Crowe? (ICE 2009/10) and My Life’s A Jungle (ICE 2007/8 and ICE 2008/9).
Elev8 is now looking for proposals for a strand of drama shorts for inclusion in the Autumn 2014 series.
The programme is seeking ideas for a continuing drama series which would tx weekly on elev8 with a digital element which could run concurrently on the elev8 website, potentially giving additional information which would drive viewers back for more on the linear tv series.
Elev8 is particularly seeking proposals which will feature youngsters (10-15 year olds) and storylines which will reflect the world of young teenage boys and girls.
Given the available budget, very economic production models and treatment is expected.
Submissions should demonstrate the company’s ability to deliver in the following areas:
- An understanding of RTÉ’s Young Peoples Programmes and its target audience, in particular the TRTÉ and elev8 audience.
- A demonstrated appreciation and understanding of the brief, as outlined above.
- The production company illustrates a proven track record in production of programmes for children/young people.
- Ability to engage strong production talent capable of delivering the proposal as required.
- Is the proposal realisable with reference to budget, time-scale and other key elements?
These criteria are not in any particular order of importance.
Interested companies should submit a proposal which includes concept, narrative outline, treatment, indication of casting strategy and budget by 5pm Monday 21st July 2014.
RTE asks, in the first instance, that producers submit ideas into the eCommissioning system: under the programme category Young Peoples “Inserts Continuing Drama Shorts” Strict deadline of 5pm Monday 21st July 2014.