Safe to Create Code of Behaviour and In-Person Active Bystander Training Workshops
Wed 2nd August 2023

Safe to Create is a Dignity at Work programme looking to impact change on the culture and practices of the Arts and Creative sectors. As part of this programme, Safe to Create have developed a Code of Behaviour, training, an anonymous reporting tool, counselling supports for artists and arts workers, and many other resources. It is vital we ensure everyone, across all art forms, is aware of this programme and the important part each of us play in ensuring the success of the Safe to Create initiative.
If you haven’t already signed up to the Safe to Create Code of Behaviour, clear instructions on how to do so can be found here. All information on the programme is on Safe to Create website.
Safe to Create is hosting a second round of In-Person Active Bystander Training Workshops around the country this autumn, due to demand following our sessions in Dublin, Galway, Cork, Belfast and Limerick in the spring.
They’re also holding an organisational leaders and board specific session, asking those at the top of our most prominent organisations and companies to engage with the work.
Developed and led by Professor Louise Crowley and Olwen Dawe, the workshop is designed to empower participants to address and prevent harassment and discrimination, equipping arts and creative workers with practical knowledge, tools and motivation to intervene safely, stop inappropriate behaviour and ultimately contribute to changing the working culture of the sector for the better.
The workshops are free of charge to attend, approx. 3 hours in length, and open to all artists and arts workers across the arts and creative sectors. The autumn schedule and links to register are as follows:
Thursday 9 November - 10am – 1pm, Camden Court Hotel, Dublin, all welcome
Thursday 9 November - 2:30 – 5:30pm, Camden Court Hotel, Dublin, fully masked session
Friday 10 November - 10am – 1pm, Camden Court Hotel, Dublin, Organisational leaders & board members – please contact for the password
Thursday 16 November 2 – 5pm, The Model, Sligo