albert, in collaboration with Arup and BFI have launched a'Screen New Deal' report. It proposes a step-change in the way the film production industry operates, setting out a route map to help the industry transition to net zero emissions by 2050.
You can download the reporthere and read the press release here.
Production and carbon emissions
Arup’s research shows that transport has the largest impact in terms of carbonemissions accounting for approximately 51% of total emissions for tentpole films. Ofthis 30% is associated with air travel and 70% with land transport. Mains electricity andgas use is the second largest contributor accounting for almost 34% of total emissionsand the remaining 15% is from the use of diesel generators. There are renewablealternatives that could help the transition towards more sustainability. Taking a holistic look across the industry, this research looks at five key areas ofopportunity for transformation and three corresponding interventions:
- production materials – reusing materials, buying virgin materials responsibility and resource-efficient set construction;
- energy and water use – energy demand reduction, sustainable energy sources and water demand reduction;
- studio buildings and facilities – repurposing buildings, buying products as a service; and smart building management;
- studio sites and locations – consolidated movement, wayfinding and communication and health and wellbeing services; and
- production planning – collaboration tools, virtual planning and shared infrastructure.
Production materials
A large proportion of materials are bought or made to specification and regardless oftheir low recyclability, synthetic foam and adhesives are popular whilst digitalfabrication which could achieve similar results with less waste is not commonly usedbecause it can sound expensive. Production studios are not involved in theprocurement or disposal of materials.Materials left at the end of productions are recycled where possible with some reusebut the remainder to sent to processing for energy regeneration from waste or landfill.Key factors limiting material reuse include short strike times; a lack of sharedinformation on available materials; high storage costs; and the limited numbers ofreuse service providers.
Online sharing platforms can allow separate productions to exchange materials witheach other extending material use. Warehouses with logistics and quality controlfunctions could reduce transportation and reuse network costs. Material passportsaid ‘reuse’ networks providing information about source, specification and location aswell as operational requirements. Material passports can be linked to productionschedules to create stock inventories and help planning.
Energy and water
Few studios operate on renewable energy tariffs or generate renewable energy onsite. Energy demand can be reduced also through green design solutions such asdaylighting, natural ventilation, solar shading and solar gain, low energy lighting andusing systems for heat recovery ventilation. The installation of micro renewabletechnologies mounted on roofs or building facades and wind turbines can helptowards a zero-carbon economy. Trailers with solar roof installations, biodiesel orbattery-powered generators, which can replace diesel generators in a number ofsituations, can help on location. Microgrids can match energy supply and demandreliably and are well-suited to production energy consumption patterns.Water from the mains supply can be reduced by installing rainwater harvesting andgreywater recycling. Waterless toilet solutions could minimise the water demandassociated with chemical toilets. Mains electricity and water connections could replacediesel generators and water bowsers.
Studio buildings and facilities
Changing requirements from production to production mean that studio spaces aresometimes under-utilised, however industry requirements may compel studios toimplement flexible and adaptable design for new and retrofitted buildings. Flexiblespaces can increase rentability and with the film industry evolving, buildings need toremain fully functional by adopting adaptable design principles. Sensors embeddedinto building components and systems along with smart meters can provide insightsinto energy use and occupation to help optimise capacity.The film industry is accustomed to renting costumes, props, generators and vehicles.This practice could be extended to temporary and permanent building componentsthrough product-as-a-service contracts with construction suppliers, whereby thesupplier retains ownership and responsibility for maintenance. These contracts areavailable for lighting systems, air conditioning units, office fit-out, etc. Suppliers areincentivised to use real-time remote monitoring, keeping costs and downtime to aminimum. Modular construction off-site potentially, through a product as a servicemodel, would help studios meet changing occupant requirements.
Studio sites and locations
The transport of people and goods to and from studio sites and locations is notcoordinated efficiently. Signage at studios provides essential wayfinding informationbut there is no universal film industry signage for waste management. Physicalwayfinding graphics are simple and can signal consistent waste and recycling pointsor health and safety requirements. Production is time constrained which often leadsto incorrect waste disposal but a unified language across studios can further facilitatethe adoption of these practices. Few amenities and spaces for rest or recreation areavailable at studios and as a result people are inclined to make additional trips to andfrom studio sites for their personal needs.The increasing availability of transport data from smartphones and satellite trackingcan help predict transport demand, reducing vehicle movements and in turn reducingpollution and costs. Carpooling apps provide flexible solutions and transportdistances can be reduced by integrating a production hub within or near to the studiosite or location. Centralised catering facilities could reduce single use crockery andcutlery; permanent kitchen spaces would use lower carbon cooking fuel than mobilefacilities. Work-life facilities would allow workers to be healthy and productive andenhance their experience at work, eg childcare services, lockers for online shopping,changing rooms for workers wanting run or cycle.
Production planning
Digital tools can enable better planning and scene design. Communication platformscan integrate scheduling tools for agile coordination and will reduce paper waste butthey rely on cloud infrastructure and data-sharing protocols to function requiringstudios to provide sufficient network coverage. The data required by carbon reportingtools could be collected also by collaboration platforms for wider sharing andunderstanding sustainability challenges facing the industry.The UK has a number of digital previsualisation (pre-vis) studios allowing directors andproducers to test concepts, storyboards, sets and scenes before shooting. This resultsin fewer unnecessary set builds, requires less contingency planning, and reduces time,material use and costs. Virtual reality can allow directors to collaborate remotely invirtual scenes. 5G connectivity allows more rapid footage transfers after shooting,compressing work timelines, and 3D capture of existing props can become assetbanks, helping set designers extend usage.Technological advances in VFX, CGI and remote collaboration services are shiftinglarger proportions of production to virtual environments and these have the potentialto reduce carbon emissions and waste but also have implications for the overall energydemand. Energy and workflow tools can influence efficiency, cost and energyconsumption.Regional online location libraries providing sustainability information, building ratingsand performance can help location manager make more informed decisions. Studioscould provide shared procurement services to consolidate orders and deliveries fromlocal and global suppliers making sourcing quicker; a digitised database includingsustainability credentials for suppliers would facilitate more informed procurementdecisions to be made.