Press release
19th November 2015
ScreenProducersIrelandCEO Elected Chair of the European Coordination of Independent TV Producers (CEPI)
Screen Producers Ireland (SPI)CEO, Barbara Galavan, was today elected Chair of the European Coordination of Independent Producers (CEPI), in Prague.
CEPIwasfounded in 1990 torepresent the interests of independent cinema and television producers operating inEurope.
With a dedicated office in Brusselsthe Coordination represents 6,000European basedproduction companiesall contributing toEuropeanculture and theircreative economies.
Collectively,membersof CEPIsupply thousandshours of new programming annuallyto Europeanbroadcasters.
Speaking after her election SPI CEO Barbara Galavan said:
“I am honoured toaccept the position of Chair of CEPI and am conscious of the responsibility it bestows. It is a time of great change for the audio-visual industry. This presents tremendousopportunities and challenges. It behoves us, as the unified voice of independent TV producers,to communicate a clear and strongmessage from the sector tothe EuropeanCommission at this critical timeas they attempt to legislate for the change that the digital revolution has brought.”
She paid tribute to outgoing Chair Werner Muller from the Austrian Producers Association for his dedication and commitment to the CEPI agenda for thepast 4years.
Elena Lai, General Secretary of CEPI said:
“We are very pleased with Barbara’s appointment as Chair. As a Board member for thelast 3½year’sshe is very familiar with the challenges CEPI faces in communicating its message at a European political level.It is worth notingin the context of the topical gender and equality agenda that CEPI has todayelected their first female Chair.”
For further information please contact:
CEPI, Elena Lai Screen Producers Ireland,CatherineTiernan
E-mail: cepi@europe-analytica.com E-mail: catherine@screenproducersireland.com
Tel:+32 (0)2 231 56 33 Tel: + 353 1 662 1114