Dublin, 4 July 2023: Today, the Minister for Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media Catherine Martin, T.D., has used her powers under the Broadcasting Act 2009 to appoint external auditor(s) to examine RTÉ’s accounts. Minister Catherine Martin has also published the terms of reference for the governance review of RTÉ, which could mean significant changes to the broadcaster’s future structure and culture.
Screen Producers Ireland (SPI) represents the independent production sector, the largest creative partner and supplier of programming to RTÉ. Last week, SPI met with Minister Catherine Martin regarding the concerns of the independent production sector in relation to the ongoing crisis at RTÉ.
Discussing these announcements Screen Producers Ireland CEO Susan Kirby said:
“We welcome the Minister’s announcements today regarding the review process for RTÉ; and thank her for meeting with us last week as part of her stakeholder engagement, and for recognising the independent production sector as a vital part of providing quality, public service media.
To ensure transparency and restore stakeholder trust, RTÉ management needs to engage fully with the auditor and external review group. In the interim, measures need to be in place to ensure that the independent production sector continues to create television content for Irish audiences. Indigenous, independently produced content should continue to be protected, and this is something we will advocate for throughout this ongoing process.
Taking all this into account, what lies ahead is a real opportunity to start anew. Over the last few days, there has been a significant amount of commentary around the funding of RTÉ and its ability to perform the obligations of a Public Service Media organisation. Through this national conversation, there is now an opportunity to re-engage with the work of the Future of Media Commission report and interrogate the best solution for future funding of a reformed RTÉ. The Minister has clearly stated that discussions around reform of the RTÉ funding model have not stopped. There is an opportunity to use this process of transparency that has been started to bring in a funding model for RTÉ that supports rebuilding the trust between RTÉ and its audience and stakeholders.”