Feature film submissions are now open for the 33rd Galway Film Fleadh, taking place from6th – 11th July, 2021.
Approaching the end of a challenging year, and with a successful outing as the first major Irish festival to pivot to an online event, it is the fervent hope of everyone at the Film Fleadh to welcome audiences back to Galway in July.
Ireland’s leading film festival, and the discovery place of New Irish Cinema, the Fleadh’s online edition reached 43,000+ viewers, with many taking part from 34 different countries, as registered delegates of the Galway Film Fair, Ireland’s film & television marketplace.
While theyawait certainty around the future of large gatherings in the next year, 2020 has demonstrated that whatever restrictions may be in place, the next edition of the celebrated event will take place regardless.
Filmmakers or companies with works-in-progress, or completed works ready to debut in the new year, are encouraged to begin the submission process early.
The Galway Film Fleadh awards both Irish and international films selected for competition in the following categories:
- Best Film
- Best First Feature
- Best Documentary
- Best Human Rights Film
There are also individual awards including:
- Galway Hooker Award for Outstanding Achievement
- Bingham Ray New Talent Award for new/emerging talent
- Award for Best Cinematography in an Irish Film
Winners in recent years include Redemption of a Rogue, Henry Glassie: Field Work, Extra Ordinary, Breaking Out, For Sama, A Bump Along the Way, The Dig, Katie, Michael Inside and God’s Own Country among many others.
Early bird deadline: Friday January 29th, 2021 at 5p.m. G.M.T.
Early Bird entry fees are at a discounted rate of €30.
After the Early Bird Deadline, the fee will increase to the Regular price of €40.
Regular deadline: Friday March 26th, 2021 at 5p.m. G.M.T.
There will be a late deadline of Friday, April 9th 2021, the fee for which is €50.
Further information and the link to submit via Eventival, can be found here.