TG4 and the Arts Council are delighted to announce a new season of ilDÁNA 2025. ilDÁNA continues to enhance the TG4 schedule and theatrical screenings by supporting the making of ambitious and cinematic long-form documentaries on the arts in Irish.
This season they wish to fund the making of two feature-length landmark documentary films, each with a budget of up to €135,000. It is hoped that one of the two documentaries will give expression to inclusivity and diversity in the arts and actively involve new and under-represented voices.
While they welcome proposals about any art form or arts practice area, they wish to encourage applications that explore art forms which are not regularly the subject of arts documentaries in Irish. Applications must be made using the TG4 online application system no later than 17:00 on Friday, 21st February 2025.
Guidelines for ilDÁNA 2025:
Films commissioned for ilDÁNA will provide a definitive creative treatment of their arts subject.
Proposals exploring any art form or practice area are welcome.
Contemporary subjects are preferred but contemporary treatments of historical works/subjects may also be considered.
Up to two films will be funded with a budget of up to €135,000 per film. They will launch with dedicated cinema screenings and will have a theatrical window before broadcast to a primetime TG4 audience in 2026.
It is our intention that one of the two documentaries to be funded will give expression to inclusivity and diversity in the arts and actively involve new and under-represented voices.
TG4 will administer the commissioning process of ilDÁNA films and will issue the standard commissioning agreement.
Representatives from TG4, the Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon and an independent assessor will make the selection for ilDÁNA.
ilDÁNA 2025 films will go to contract by end of April 2025 unless projects wish to apply for funding from other sources.
Applications must be made through TG4’s E Comm portal no later than 17:00 on Friday, 21st February 2025. Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.
Film duration: feature length.
Production Budget: Up to €135,000 per film.
Format: HD with English subtitles
Language: Irish or bilingual.
Applicants should be able to sign contracts in early 2025 if successful (unless projects intend to be submitted for further funding support from other sources).
Applications for ilDÁNA must include the following:
A completed ilDÁNA commission form to be uploaded.
A detailed treatment of the proposal.
A description of the intended creative approach.
An exhibition strategy that identifies the film’s national TV audience plus any plan for theatrical exhibition (film festival/cinema) if applicable.#
A detailed production budget and budget summary (including music and subject clearances, deliverables, and marketing materials) – templates are available on the TG4 website.
CVs of the creative team involved in the proposal including director, producer, writer, editor.
Evidence of ownership to include copies of all option and writers’ agreements entered in respect of story and script, if applicable to the project.
Written confirmation in the form of clearances and permissions of key subject’s willingness to participate, where applicable.
Three excerpts of the director’s work (not showreel) that inform the proposal.
Any other relevant supporting materials that inform the creative approach for the proposal.
TG4 and the Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon
Encourage the employment of film practitioners working through the Irish language.
Involve gender equality both in terms of contribution and production personnel.
Require the provision of equitable conditions and fair remuneration for artists involved in the making of the ilDÁNA films.
ilDÁNA films will be selected based on:
The artistic vision of the applicant and his/her creative approach to the proposed subject.
The feasibility of the proposal in the context of the objectives of ilDÁNA.
The track record of the applicant.
The extent to which the proposal promotes gender equality in terms of contribution and production personnel.
The extent to which one of the two proposals to be selected gives expression to inclusivity and diversity in the arts and actively involves new and under-represented voices.
Additional funding (up to €10K per successful project) may be made available to support theatrical exhibition where a convincing exhibition strategy is proposed following completion of the films.
Shortlisted applicants will be invited to discuss their proposal.
The award will be made by TG4. The standard TG4 commissioning agreement will apply. It is expected that projects will be completed and available for broadcast on TG4 in 2026.
All proposals need to be submitted electronically to TG4. Production companies need to first make sure they are registered on the TG4 e-Commissioning system here and then upload before the deadline by selecting, ‘ilDÁNA 2025’, from the dropdown menu. You will receive an automatic acknowledgment when your proposal has been submitted. Proposals will not be accepted after the deadline.
Any questions in relation to this round and project suitability can be sent to Proinsias Ní Ghráinne proinsias.ni.ghrainne@tg4.ie Julieann Ní Fhátharta Julieann.ni.fhatharta@tg4.ie
Further information
Applicants must comply with all relevant statutory obligations.
All contracts will depend on provision of a Tax Clearance Certificate from the Revenue Commissioners.
Candidates are informed that the information provided may be disclosed to the public under the Freedom of Information Act.
No contract will exist until a formal contract is signed on behalf of TG4. Copyright for the film rests with the producer.
Irish Language version of this call can be found here.