The production sector and the aging demographic: Challenges, opportunities, and towards inclusive representation
Mon 26th September 2022

The population of Ireland is aging rapidly, we will soon reach the point where 1:4 people are over the age of 60. This change means new challenges and opportunities for the production sector.
Screen Producers Ireland, together with Age Friendly Ireland, has organised this event for producers to better understand the aging demographic, and how content and the industry can respond to this change.
Date: Thursday, 6th October 2022
Time: 3-4pm
Venue: Online via Zoom
Topics covered will include:
Understanding the ageing demographic, and the consequent impact on so many aspects of society – housing, healthcare, transport, the economy, the workplace, pension funding and more.
The work of Age Friendly Ireland, and how they are trying to educate and prepare our environments for demographic change.
How older people are currently depicted on screen, how accurate/inaccurate that may be, and how older people feel about it
How older people consume media
Working in the production industry- how can we ensure we are retaining people in the industry and ensure that older people have a voice at the creative table.
Q+A session
Orlaith Carmody – Business Consultant to Age Friendly Ireland
Catherine McGuigan – Chief Officer, Age Friendly Ireland
Larry Bass – CEO, ShinAwil
Moderator: Susan Kirby, CEO SPI
Please register here.